Get the WordOut! On Your Social Networks in One Smooth App

With so many applications fueling our world from our Smartphone’s these days, it seems imperative to filter through all of the mess to find the most flexible, full-bodied, and affordable apps available. When it comes to social media management apps, there are virtual loads of them available on the many different manufacturer app stores around the net.

Top-Notch Social Media Management App

This recent social management tool app addition to the market includes a few vitally helpful element that set it apart from the masses. To get a better idea of how WordOut works for you, check out this informative video. The developers of WordOut wanted to make it as easy as possible for users to post on their favorite social networks – and fast. WordOut can be used to post to multiple social networks like Facebook and Twitter, simultaneously.

Although WordOut developers have many more service ideas in the pipeline. For now, some of the highlights are that with WordOut, users can post in the most simplified manner possible with the following instructions:

  1. Write a post or status update.
  2. Choose the accounts you want to post on.
  3. Click ‘send’ and you are done.

In addition WordOut will soon feature:

  1. Instagram Integration
  2. LinkedIn Integration
  3. Possibly Group Email Support

This social media productivity app was created to help users more fully enjoy their social networks while mobile by removing some of the time killers that can come with frequent social media usage. With WordOut, time spent on networks can be less intrusive and free to carry on with your busy day. WordOut is also a fairly basic app that will let you navigate your status or post updates without showing you those popular sports scores you may be hiding from yourself at the moment.

While more full-service Facebook and Twitter apps can require long load times and many clicks to navigate into, WordOut has a very minimal load time and will allow users to update quicker on an uncluttered application and with as little as one single click.

Limited Data/Network Coverage

There are many who still have mobile phone and devices with limited mobile network coverage and data usage. Using an app like WordOut means you can utilize those famous social networks without loading all of the data that can come along with more full-bodied applications such as bandwidth hogging games or extremely busy networks.

WordOut requires iOS5 or above.


@BasilPuglisi is the Executive Director and Publisher for Digital Brand Marketing Education ( Basil C. Puglisi is also the President of Puglisi Consulting Group, Inc. A Digital Brand Marketing Consultancy that manages professional and personal branding for Fortune 500 CEOs, Hedge Fund Managers and Small Business Owners.


What is in Our Mobile Future?

In 2011, the number of Smartphone’s sold exceeded the number of personal computers. At its current projection, the number of mobile devices will significantly outnumber the  PC’s in just a few years.

The Past and Future of Mobile

As mobile use increases in the future, AI may also have a large impact on the users mobile experience. Many online services will play a large part in helping us to organize and go about our daily lives. AI combined with vital algorithms will:

  • Organize and handle personal information
  • Alert us about important events
  • Help us decide which products to buy
  • Monitor everything from calendars to health care
  • Help us manage services with consideration for our personalized consumer needs

With a realistic projection on the evolution of mobile devices, it also indicates that we are likely to move away from typing all of our days jargon into tiny keyboards on Smartphones and more towards touch screen options, device ‘bumping’ or ’tilting’, sensory triggers, voice activation and other types of communications that mimic ‘human’ gestures and fluidity.

To Smart App Infinity and Beyond

Although apps will continue to play a huge role in the manner it does now, there will likely be more options for consumers in helpful virtual

Apple iPhone 3GS, Motorola Milestone and LG GW60

Apple iPhone 3GS, Motorola Milestone and LG GW60 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

programs that enhance what we have now for messaging systems, virtual shopping options, entertainment,  news and more. We are currently seeing this type of forward progression in apps that offer a more personalized experience. They tend to learn the behavior of the user, continuously get smarter, and stay updated on you over a period of time.  As our technology for mobile devices and apps continues to grow, so does our opportunity for new developments.

Be Prepared

Once you have decided to utilize mobile platforms for your business, there are many determining factors to consider when creating the most effective business plan for your personal business needs. If you plan to bypass desktop devices and putt full focus on mobile or just implementing it slowly into your businesses marketing campaign plans, you will need to have an idea of projected requirements to meet the same standards as time goes by. One of the best ways to ensure you are giving it the proper focus is to stay on top of trending industry news and be ready to implement new and helpful interactive programs, assistance, and mobile products in very short periods of time.


@BasilPuglisi is the Executive Director and Publisher for Digital Brand Marketing Education ( Basil C. Puglisi is also the President of Puglisi Consulting Group, Inc. A Digital Brand Marketing Consultancy that manages professional and personal branding for Fortune 500 CEOs, Hedge Fund Managers and Small Business Owners.


The Discovery Mode of Mobile – Elliot Nix Speaks at #SMWsmac

Elliot Nix, Senior Account Executive, for Mobile Google started out his set with a distinct reach into the depths of where mobile is really taking us. He shares in a couple of different examples about how it is effecting not only those of us who are amazed and appreciative of today’s technologies in relation to the more traditional formats we grew up with, but even how it is affecting those who have never known some of the more traditional media forms that many of us grew up with.

Kids Know the Darnedest Things

One instance was where his daughter  announced that she wanted to visit her Grandma that day. He explained to her that a visit to Grandma’s just wasn’t on the schedule for that day. Everyone has things to do, he just couldn’t get her there that day. Asserting her independence, she told him that she could get there herself. She asked him for his phone. She brought Google Maps up on his phone, clicked the bike path directive button, and showed him exactly how she could get there. A bit shocked by the fact that he didn’t know that option existed, even though he works for Google, showed him a pretty cool lesson about how are kids are learning to get around in this digital age, that for them, has never been anything but.

There is a discovery mode and a different level of interaction that is expected when it comes to mobile for the future of everyone’s business.

To A Child, a Magazine is an iPad that Doesn’t Work

The other story Nix shared was the one about a viral video that shows a baby playing with an iPad, and then playing with a magazine. Although she is very little, it is clear to see when faced with the traditional magazine, she is perplexed as to why it isn’t functioning. She can even be seen making sure her swipe finger is working properly.

Smartphone Usage is Skyrocketing

Nix shares that with the number of Smartphone sales and usage continuing to rapidly climb, not having mobile interaction on site for your business could be fatal. With roughly over 1 million new Smartphone devices activated daily, we are swiftly turning into an entire generation of folks into full-time mobile interactivity consumers. Nix relates that every time a new mobile device such as an iPad or long awaited Android release occurs, there is a clear spike in mobile sales and interactivity.

Mobile search is about saving time and interactive efficiency. Having any created apps optimized for quick search and discovery is imperative. Nix highlights the importance of analysing and recognizing customer behavior on mobile devices and then subsequently turning that information into actions.

To watch Elliot’s entire set including a highly informative question and answers section as well as a checklist of great practices for mobile search marketing, please check out the video from the #SMWsmac event.


Joy Lynskey is the owner of JRL Solutions, a copywriting and content management company based in Bedford, Virginia. JRL Solutions hosts a Freelance Writers Education Blog that is managed by direct and guest posting. Joy is the Content Manager and Editor for Puglisi Consulting Group at Digital Brand Marketing Education. Joy regularly works in SMM via freelance consulting  private clients with their social media campaigns.
